Ancient grains bring us back to simpler, purer food and Rayumi believes they may be a solution for so many issues that are surfacing around modern grains. As part of the agricultural revolution, modern grains underwent substantive hybridization with the good intentions of increasing production, increasing profitability and ultimately reducing the cost to the consumer. Unfortunately this was not all that was modified in the hybridization of modern grains.

In selecting for yields, disease tolerance and improved storage life it is now postulated that inadvertently the protein structures were changed and toxins may have been built up in the make-up of conventional grains. This in turn is suspected to be one of the reasons that so many people are becoming intolerant to wheat and why the modern grains store so long. Insects and pests are naturally repelled by these same toxins.

Ancient grain crops come from seeds that have been around for millenia and as such are free of hybridization and GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) manipulation. They are as God designed them. Though ancient grains like Quinoa, Farro, Khorasan (Kamut) may be new to many of us, they have actually been around for centuries. As a matter of fact Emmer was eaten on daily basis by ancient Egyptians and is considered the first grain to be cultivated. These grains faded in popularity as their hybrid modern cousins produced higher yields and thus, higher profits, but while the wheat and corn we are all used to looks and tastes nothing like its distant ancestors, ancient grains are virtually unchanged from what they where thousands of years ago. The benefits of Ancient grains are showing up in numerous studies.

The simpler genetic makeup and water soluble gluten levels in ancient grains have been shown to be more easily digested by the body than modern foods. For example, studies have shown that many people with severe wheat sensitivities do not have the same issues with KAMUT® (khorasan) grain as they do conventional wheat. Genomic constitution of conventional and ancient wheats and their relatives Although each grain has its own individual sets of health benefits, these grains generally are higher in fiber and protein than most modern day grains and have enhanced flavor. The taste in ancient grains is often distinctive and more pleasing. Because taste and nutrition were only secondary concerns in selecting for modern grains, ancient grains are proving to have surprising flavor and nutrition profiles.


The Truly Natural & Organic Food Quality Check. Free from Artificial Chemical. Free from Pesticides. Free from Colorings. Free from Herbicides. Minimally-Processed. Non-Irradiated. Non-Genetically Engineered. Ecology-Friendly.


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Agege, Lagos, Nigeria

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